Tuesday, 7 March 2017

5 worried thoughts of a beginner yogi

I had often come across beautiful images of flexible earthlings who practice yoga - all gently bringing serenity to the everyday hustle and bustle of life, one pose at a time. In a bid to bring a little bit of calm into my life, I looked to join a local class called Yoga Blossom.

After all, it would help me with my ankle and arm mobility following a particularly nasty horse riding accident that involved me, a flat out gallop and a brick wall. (I'll tell you about that later).

To be honest, I was quite worried I wouldn't be able to do it when I sat waiting for my first class. Little old me, half made of metal, and all these people that had been practicing for years = bit scared. I rolled out my borrowed mat and hoped that somehow my joints would be willing to take me to places I've never been before.

But now, four months into vinyasa flow, I could honestly say that I absolutely love it and I needn't have worried. My teacher Stephanie is patient and thorough, and gives you the confidence to believe in yourself - something that yoga has also taught me in a short space of time.

That's why I've chosen to share my five initial thoughts and dispel them at the same time. Everyone should give yoga a go - for mobility, peace-of-mind, relaxation and general wellbeing - I'm so glad I found it! πŸŒΈπŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸŒΌ

Worry one: i'm not going to be flexible enough

You sit cross-legged waiting for class to start, breathing in the beautiful lavender scents from the essential oil diffuser but no matter what, you think that you won't quite be the Bendy Wendy you see on Instagram.

Well....bets are that you won't be that flexible to begin with but, do you know what? It doesn't matter a single jot.

There are people who have practiced yoga for years and years, and still cannot touch their toes. And anyway, it's not all about being physically flexible. It's about accepting and working within the physical parameters of your own body - which is different for every single person.

Worry two: i'll fall on my face

Your teacher and classmates might well be able to pull off the crow pose elegantly and barely look like it's any effort, however, the first time I tried it I fell forward onto my face.... and I'm still not able to do it properly.

So, yes, this is something that might well happen but falling is good - it means your trying.

Worry three: i'll find most poses too difficult to do

Don't get me wrong, there are lots of poses that are a challenge, but when it comes to a challenge, the best thing you can do is breathe.

Engaging your Ujjayi breath (pronounced 'oo-jai') will help tremendously. This is a deep breath taken in and sent out through the nose, via a narrowed throat. This causes a sound much like the ocean waves, which is why it's also known as the ocean breath.

You might feel a little self-conscious to begin with but by breathing, particularly during deep poses, you will find it's much easier. And the more you practice, the better you'll get at poses - so it's not something to worry about.

Worry four: i'll look and feel like a beginner

I'm always looking awkward, but during yoga, everyone is continuously learning, even your teacher. It's not about comparing yourself to others, it's about being proud of your own little victories and accepting your own capabilities. I recently read a quote which I think sums it up perfectly: "Whatever shade of beginner you are, let that be enough." πŸŒˆ

Worry five: i'll find meditation uncomfortable 

I'm not afraid to say I can be a little giggly, especially during group silences - I was awful during my exams, constantly feeling like i'd burst out into an uncontrollable laugh right when I wasn't supposed to. Naturally, I was then worried that when it came to meditation during class, I'd be exactly the same.

What surprised me was that by beginning and ending the class with a little bit of reflection and focus, I was totally in the zone. While I entered yoga looking for the physical benefits, I never dreamed that it would actually be something that actually benefited and centred my mind too.


I couldn't recommend it more to anyone that is thinking of trying it out. For those of you in Aberdeen, contact Yoga Blossom here to find out more.

Namaste  πŸ™πŸ»✨


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